The Alpha-Male in Human Affairs
An Outline of a Possible Lecture or Essay A Work in Progress By Stephen L. Knapp 27 March 2004 (rev. 19 November 2004) Copyright (c) 2004 Stephen L. Knapp 1. Introduction 1.1. Suspension of Conventional (Software-Only) Thinking 1.2. Genetics (Body Hardware) also a Major Determinant of Behavior 1.2.1. Twins Studies as Tool to Analyze Nature-Nurture 1.2.2. Psycho-Active Chemicals (e.g. Sugar, SSRIs, Alcohol,...) 1.3. Why Do Rational Persons Have Adamant Positions? 1.3.1. "Don't Ask a Man About His Religion or Politics". 2. Definition of Alpha-Male as a Protector of His DNA 2.1. Survival Characteristic Selected by Darwinian Evolution 2.2. Examples: Feline Infanticide, Homocide to 'Protect Territory', Others??? 2.3. Tribalism and Family Allegiance 2.3.1. Tribal Competition for Resources vs Cooperation (e.g., U.N., EU) 2.3.2. Ethnic as Synonym for Tribal, as in Ethnic Conflict "A Decade After Massacres, Rwanda Outlaws Ethnicity" [NYTimes, 04/09/04. Note 5] 2.3.3. Religions as Tribal Substitutes Hebrew, Catholic, Mormon Conversion to Religion of Partner for Marriage Islamic, Hebrew 2.3.4. Urban Tribalism, Bloods vs Crips, 'West Side Story', Wearing Colors 2.4. Xenophobia 2.5. Paternal vs Maternal Social Systems 2.5.1. The Bonobos as Example of Maternal Social System Pan Paniscus (Note 2) 2.5.2. Paternal Social Structure is Heirarchical Top-Down from Top Dog Religions Resistance in America toward Female Leaders Geraldine Ferraro Hillary Clinton 2.5.3. Capitalism vs Socialism Property, Wealth, Power & Control Groupies and Monica, e.g. 2.5.4. Karen Hughes vs Karl Rove as Archetype of Paternal vs Soft Paternal Disguised as Maternal (Note 5.1) 2.6. Reproductive and Sexual Control 2.7. (Monotheistic) Religions 2.7.1. Paternalistic Extremes in Abrahamic Religions Paternalistic Structure Islamic Roman Catholic Mormon Religions Promote Reproduction Polygamy for Men Polygamy in Old Testament Islam Mormon 2.7.2. Shame, Guilt, Sin, Confession as Tools of Control 2.7.3. Atheism as a Threat to Alpha-Males 3. Historical and Present-Day Manifestations of Alpha-Maleness 3.1. Alpha-Male Aggression 3.1.1. Little Boys and Guns, Westerns The Western as an American Genre Cowboys (us) vs Indians (them) as Reproductive Conflict "Have Gun Will Travel" to Defend the Weak from Outsiders 3.1.2. Nazi Germany and Fascism 3.1.3. Boznia/Serb/Croatia as Example of Inter-Tribe Male Rivalry 3.1.4. Firearms are Tools and Symbols for Protecting and Promoting DNA "A Man's House Is His Castle" really means "A Man's House Contains His Vaginas" 3.1.5. Prohibitions Against Miscegenation 3.1.6. Anti-Semitism Tribalism within a Larger Society Antagonizes Outsider Males 3.1.7. Skinheads and Young Male Zealots 3.1.8. "Top Dog" Alpha-Male Swaggering and Brutality Breed Reactionary Actions from the Weaker Columbine Massacre Domestic and International Terrorism 3.1.9. Competitive Sports 3.1.10. Gymnastics (Springboard Diving, Figure Skating) vs Team Sports 3.1.11. Motor Racing - NASCAR, e.g. 3.1.11. 1. Risk Taking Competing with Vehicle as Deadly Weapon 3.2. Religions Exercise Control 3.2.1. Female Behavior and Appearance Must Be Innocuous 3.2.2. Islamic Extremism Viel/Burkah to Preserve Females from Outside Males 3.2.3. Martyrdom Palestinian Suicide Bombers Are Promised Symbolic Propagation or Preservation of Their DNA They will be given 70 Virgins in Heaven 70-plus Members of Immediate Family Will Join Them in Heaven 3.2.4. Celebacy 3.2.5. Shame, Guilt, Sin, Confession as Tools of Control 3.2.6. The Tithe 3.2.7. Alternative Lifestyles as Threats to Alpha-Male DNA Alternatives are "Deviant" Alternative Lifestyles Weaken DNA Control Homosexuality Violates DNA Control Alpha Males More Tolerant of Lesbian Sex Swinging, Multi-Partner Collapses DNA Barriers 3.2.8. Atheism as a Threat to Alpha-Males 3.3. Reproductive Control 3.3.1. Women's Liberation and Reproductive Choice As Treat to Male Control of Family DNA Birth Control Frees Women from Male Control of Family DNA Abortion Availability Frees Women from Male Control of Family DNA 3.3.2. Clothes and Ornamentation to Show Tribal, Religious, Marital, Fertility Status France Bans Muslim Symbols in French School Girls Wedding Rings, Optional for Men Wearing Crosses Hindu Face Markings Covering the Ankles, Calves, Knees vs Miniskirt (invented in Godless London, e.g.) Colors in Urban Tribes Bikers and Hell's Angels Alpha Male Tribes 3.3.3. Males over Females Female Circumcision (Excising of the Clitoris to Prevent Women from Seeking Sexual Pleasure) [Note 5.3] Women as Property Slavery is Not Solely Economic System but also Controls Reproduction (i.e. owner men and slave women only) 3.3.4. Males over Males Slavery Genocide: Kill Men, Rape Women 3.3.4. The Attraction to Men of Virgins as a Vehicle for Transmission of Uncontested DNA 3.4. Wealth, Power, Control 3.4.1. Politicians as Alpha-Males 3.4.2. Inheritance Tax 3.4.3. Slavery 3.4.4. Campaign Contribution Limits 3.4.5. Commercial Pressures On Media and News On Social Values 3.4.6. Global Repercussions of Wealth and "Cowboy Diplomacy" Disparities in Quality of Life Breed Feelings of Alpha-Male Inadequacy and then Terrorism (e.g.) as Reaction Sudden Unilateral Invasion (e.g. Iraq) Provokes Reaction 4. Behavior Modification Toward Maternalism from Alpha-Maleism 4.1. Western Europe 4.1.1. Effect of World Wars Alpha-Maleism will return as WWII Memory Dies with Older Generations Strains Produced by Immigrant Labor Fascism to Grow 4.1.2. Soccer Football as Surrogate Conflict 4.1.3. Racial and Ethnic Tolerance (until present rise in Islamic Nonconformance) 4.2 Understanding of Alpha-Maleism Provided by Darwinian Evolution 5. Notes 5.1 "There's always friction with Karl," said one Bush adviser, who asked not to be named because he did not want to be seen as criticizing Mr. Rove. "But some of it is because of the difference of their jobs. Karen's job is to articulate the message, and Karl's job is to cater and pander to the base. Karl is trying to work in the Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed message, and Karen is listening to the soccer moms." 5.2 Females continually have a sexual swelling. They, like humans and unlike any other non-human primate, do not have an estrus cycle. Humans and Bonobos share between 99 and 99.6% of their genetic makeup. Their lack of agressiveness and excitability (quite unlike chimpanzees) is thought to perhaps be more similar to the first humans. There is also growing evidence that bonobos may be as different from chimpanzees as chimps are to gorillas. Group Size: 50-200, usually groups of 6-15 for foraging. Fission-fusion grouping with multiple males and females. Foraging groups are also made up of males and females. Females are more likely to leave their natal group than males, who stay in their mother's group. Groups tend to be more stable than those of P. troglodytes, perhaps due to plentiful food sources. There are also more male-female interactions outside of mating(grooming), and less aggressiveness. Behavior: Diurnal, arboreal, and terrestrial. Sleep in nests built in trees. Limited tool use. Male and female dominance hierarchies, however the alpha female is dominant over the alpha male, unlike any other great ape. Bonobos are highly "promiscuous", often engaging in sexual behaviors outside of that for reproduction. This is thought to be one of the main reasons that bonobos are so infrequently aggresive as the sexual interactions reduces tensions. Mating postures include face to face and dorsoventral as well as others. There is also a large occurence of female-female genital (G-G) rubbing throught the age groups, again including face-to-face positions. The only aparent sexual "taboo" being mothers mating with their mature sons. [Ref.: BONOBO: the Forgotten Ape by Frans de Waal and Frans Lanting] 5.3 Interesting article on Eritrian women during and after 30-year war of independence against Ethiopia. During war 30% of soldiers were women with power. Now after war it is back to subservience, female circumcision, no rights or power. Article states that nearly 90% of Eritrian women undergo clitorectomy. 5.4 "Men, Monkeys And Mayhem" is a review by Daniel Pinchbeck in the Washington Post, Sunday, November 17, 1996 of the book DEMONIC MALES: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence By Richard Wrangham and Dale Peterson (Houghton Mifflin. 350 pp. $24.95) 5.5 A Decade After Massacres, Rwanda Outlaws Ethnicity, By MARC LACEY, Published: April 9, 2004 ( Copyright (c) 2004 Stephen L. Knapp |